Two years ago, when we started JUDY, users loved the interface and user experience of our research software.

The one hangup from lawyers and legal researchers alike, has always been: “can I cite JUDY in court?”

They were uncertain that JUDY would be accepted in the courtroom as the presiding judge might be unfamiliar with JUDY. This led to many sleepless nights for the JUDY cofounders and we vowed to make this concern irrelevant. To address the aforementioned issue, the JUDY team exhibited at the ‘2019 All Nigerian Judges Conference of the Superior Courts’ held at the National Judicial Institute in November 2019.

We succeeded in our goal of getting the judges familiarised with JUDY and assisted many of them in downloading the JUDY app free of charge to their phones, tablets and laptops. (JUDY is forever free for judges, so if you are a judge or know a judge, have them contact us at

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